
An innovative hydroponic education app designed to teach plant enthusiasts how to measure the growth of their plants.
April - May 2024
Student - Taylor Z.
Student - Renee V.
Student - May S.
My Role
UX Research
Product Design

What's This Project About??


Despite the rapid growth of the U.S. hydroponics market, many plant enthusiasts struggle to effectively manage and optimize plant growth in hydroponic systems.


An innovative hydroponic education app can bridge this knowledge gap, empowering individuals to successfully engage in hydroponic gardening, reduce their food costs, and better understand and utilize plant monitoring tools for future generations.

Project Insights
The U.S. hydroponics market size was estimated at USD 506.25 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.7% from 2024 to 2030. (Source: Grand View Research)
In 2022, indoor farming startups alone captured around 20% of the total $4.5 billion venture investors plowed into agtech startups across 34 deals. (Source: Farmingam)
In Honolulu, Hawaii, the monthly grocery expenses average $556.76. (Source: Zippia)

This project was a final group assignment for my ArtCenter Course on "Intro to Interaction Design" led by John Deyto.

Introducing The Team

Team SproutEd!
Meet The Team

An ex-filmmaker, a marketer and a visual designer walk into a room.. to build a hydropics education app! Each of us leveraged our experience to push the project forward and over the finish line in less than a month!

May (me!):
- Project coordinator
- UX researcher
- Visual design lead

- Project manager
- UX researcher
- UI designer

- Information architect
- UX researcher
- UI designer

What Does It Take to Build?

Dissecting the prompt in Figjam to think through our solution.
Figure Out the Core Loop and Target Users

Collaborating across 3 people means getting on the same page about how we want to solve the problem.

We used Figjam to dissect the prompt into key ideas and talked through what we thought the core loop should be and what kind of audience we wanted to impact.

Core Loop:

- Physical sensor collects data -> farmer view sensor data on app -> farmer makes decision

Possible users:
- Local distributers
- Traveling truckers
- Private Homes/ HOAs
- Schools with gardening/sustainability programs

Insight: There are more n00b farmers than experts

Although we discussed targeting hydroponic experts, we soon realized our access to them were minimal and our project timeline was too short to seek them out.

Instead, we pivoted to interviewing folks in our network who were familiar vs. experts with hydroponics.

Our research within our own networks, plus that of Reddit, signaled that folks wanted an easy way to track data on their produce while also learning more about how to maximize their yield.

Our decision based on research:
Users want to learn how to be better at hydroponics.

Some quotes from our interview research.
An overview of our persona Rahul.
Highlighting Rahul: The Visionary Restaurateur Embracing Hydroponics

Rahul, an ambitious aspiring restaurateur aiming for international acclaim, is committed to incorporating hydroponic cultivation into his culinary practices.

By utilizing this innovative approach, he plans to implement farm-to-table concepts, ensuring a consistent supply of fresh Indian herbs and vegetables for his dishes.

Rahul's vision and dedication exemplify the transformative potential of our hydroponic education app, highlighting its value in fostering cutting-edge practices and culinary excellence in small businesses.

Finalizing the Core Loop & Delegating Design Work

We used "as a user" statements and post-it notes to clearly define the user experience and the core functionalities of our app.

This exercise allowed us to allocate specific design tasks to team members efficiently, ensuring each screen was crafted with a focused understanding of user needs.

The Loop:
- Sign in as a student > view all plants > detailed sensor view

Lo-Fi Design Homework:
- May: sign in, dashboard, plant overview page (greenhouse), pH & lumens screens
- Taylor: EC level data and water depth level screens
- Renee: Temperature data screen

Screenshot from our Figjam on the core loop and homework tasks.

Now What Does This Look Like?

Physical sensor sketches and how they'd be placed in a hydroponic system where our app would collect data.
Mocking Up our Sensor Helped Inform How Our Mobile Product Should Function

To ensure our mobile app effectively displays crucial plant data, we began by sketching a sensor prototype to capture this information accurately.

Sensor considerations:
- how many per plant?
- how much would it cost?
- how would they be identified per plant?

We realized from our hydroponic research that the sensors would not be placed in dirt, but in water baskets so our hardware needed a second iteration after these initial sketches. 🫠

Data captured by sensor:
- moisture levels

- pH

- temperature

These initial sketches, paired with lo-fi wireframes of our app, allowed us to visualize how users would interact with and benefit from real-time data on their plants' health.

This process informed the app's functionality, ensuring it meets user needs for monitoring and optimizing hydroponic cultivation.

Setting Up A Design System for Scale & Efficiency

Consistency across the app is important, especially when working with multiple team members.

To establish a scalable and efficient design system, I chose the modern Poppins typeface and a natural color palette of blues and greens to define our app's brand identity.

Collaborating with Taylor, we developed reusable components to streamline the design process, ensuring consistency and ease of updates.

Key System Features:

- Created shades of the brand green for cards, button colors and backgrounds
- Created a small typography scale for headers, subtitles and paragraphs
- Reusable components: Cards, progress trackers, and status icons

Design system: Colors, typography and components
Screenshot of the final core loop screens.
A Prototype Showcasing Our Core Loop

View our presentation here.
Check out the prototype here

In the final stage, we developed a clickable prototype that showcases the core loop and final frames of our app, emphasizing its user-friendly interface and functionality. This took a couple of iterations after our initial lo-fi designs.

Here are some changes we made:

- Limited the amount of green/color (trust me, there was green everywhere before)
Implemented auto-layout for consistent margin around the app itself


I know that school work doesn't quite equate to "real world experience" due to lack of constraints/risk. But here's what I think we'd need to consider if we were to actually launch this product:

  • Understand what "success" looks like for our app. Is this # of sign ups? Is this monthly active users (MAU)? Is it number of sensors installed?
  • What will it take to get this design live? Are these components easy to hand off to an engineer?
  • SENSORS?! Do we manufacture these in-house or do we partner with an existing sensor? What is the flow for connecting a sensor to the app? How does the sensor get maintained?

There's a handful of work to be done if we were to launch this live. Let me know if this would be something you'd be interested in actually using something like this! 😉

In the meantime, you can view our final presentation with the below.

Check Out Our Final Presentation
📓 Learnings

Group projects are not scary when you have great teammates 💪🏾


The best way to learn is to teach others. Helping each other learn how to leverage Figma features like components and auto-layout is key 🔑


Everyone has strengths and weakneses. As long as we can be open and honest about this, we can learn to fill the gaps as a team to achieve our goals. 🌟

📈 Long-Term Vision

Organize SproutEd dashboard to list red/yellow status sensors/plants first for easier user recognition and actionability


Ensure consistency across the platform with proper icons for related topics (ie. book icon for plant courses)


Build out sort/filter functionality. What does this look like? What will users need this for? Additional research required for this.